Conscious DAO



Please forgive any errors, english is not my primary language and I wanted to get the proposal out quickly. So, no proofreading this time :)

Proposal for a DAO dedicated to “conscious” people. (What is a DAO?).

On the example set by “Nouns DAO” NFT project, “Conscious DAO” (the name can be changed) is a Decentralized Autonomous Organization made by individuals interested in spirituality and the evolution of consciousness.

Every day a unique NFT is generated, and sold at an auction to the highest bidder (a more interesting way to acquire the NFT or a part of it may be explored). (What is an NFT?)

The buyer also becomes part of the DAO’s Governance, with 1 vote.

All the profits go back to the DAO itself, that then chooses how to manage them.

MANDATORY: The DAO should donate each month at least 10% of its profits to organizations chosen by the DAO itself. As a “conscious” organization, it naturally understands to be part of a bigger organism and that he has to give back to mantain balance.


My first idea was mandalas. Mainly because they are often on my mind, and I like to create them (here are some). But also because they are an excellent representation of the unity of consciousness.

Here a proposal arises…

Could we create each day a unique mandala made by an artist, and pay the artist with part of the profits from selling it? Could we have a mandala made by a single individual each day so that we also create a collection of human expressions?
I make mandalas, and I have many to give, but the idea of collecting different expressions of the Self is so much more interesting.
With that being said, the art can be and become anything. But it’s probably better for the project branding to stick to something consistent.

Here another proposal arises…

The art could become significant, not just a funny token like “Nouns DAO”. So, each day a powerful piece of digital art comes out… just think how much creativity could be unleashed by really focusing on the art, to balance out the focus on the financial aspects. These two sides need to work together, with always the purpose of creating sustainable value. Only by producing what we ourselves would use, and investing in what we ourselves would produce… we can find this very dynamic and powerful balance.

Some technical stuff & other ramblings

I am just rambling here… consider this paragraph a space to fix my thoughts so they don’t get lost :)

The easiest way to achieve step 1 is to create a Discord server. Part of the server is open and free to everyone, and another part is reserved to the token holders for the governance or more in-depth topics.

1 token = 1 access to server (thus, 1 vote in governance)

even if you acquire more than 1 token, you will still have just one access

there are only 144.000 tokens, distributed in tranches… following a golden spiral???

1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233,377, 610, 987, 1.597, 2.584,
4.181, 6.765, 10.946, 17.711, 28.657, 46.368, 75.025, 121.393

Definitely interesting to create the DAO structure following some sacred geometry or natural pattern.

Other ideas and resources
Juicebox is a great protocol that can help us in funding the project (alternative to NFTs, but no art…)

The purpose of a Conscious DAO

As a closing thought, I think the primary purpose of such a DAO would be to use the power of blockchain and NFTs to create a tool that promotes positive and harmonic change.

This is something really needed in the cryptospace right now, as speculation and greed are still the predominant frequency. This is not to imply that there aren’t already beautiful projects and experiments… there are, but I have yet to see something mainly dedicated to people that understand the power of collective consciousness and are interested to experiment at all levels: finance, art, spirituality and science.

What the DAO could do

A decentralized organization of people that manages a treasury fairly can accomplish anything, they just need to agree via the governance. They choose for instance to reinvest the treasure to make the DAO grow and establish itself, by optimizing the NFT distribution and involving more developers and artists. But when the treasury is big enough, they can also decide to expand into other projects, by funding them as investors or building them from scratch. The DAO really becomes an independent entity capable of many things…

What we need

I can provide assistance with the art and with the diffusion of the project. But my network of contacts is mainly in Italy (I run a YouTube channel with 70K subscribers).

The team for such a project would need:

  • A developer capable to deliver everything tech-related
  • A social media manager to help build up the community
  • A marketing expert
  • A financial and DeFi expert
  • More artists

The team should be comprised of people motivated to build this project, and not just hired for the job.

So what now?

This is just a proposal and I have no intention to be a project leader. If a group of like-minded individuals come together to develop all this… I am in and we can talk about it. You can reach me by commenting this article or directly from here

About me

My name is Niccolò Angeli (aka Kyrian). I live in Italy, currently working as an artist and meditation teacher.

I have founded the online school for spirituality Accademia Infinita, and I am part of Aikyam, a social experiment for collective consciousness. Both projects are only accessible in italian.

You can find my contents in english on

A friend of mine used to divide human beings between omelets and skyscrapers: I would definitely be an omelet, I am too curious to become an over-specialized human being… and I am a serendipity addict.


More links about me



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